Balance in simplicity through the study of design, heterogeneous materials updated and technically evolved to re-enter the use for which the tiles are created, investments in technologies and expansion of the company with a view to new processes strongly requested by the market. These are the concepts perceived and offered to its customers within the temporary installation built in the new production location of Studio Immagine, which can only be visited by invitation. All this was made possible thanks to the ability of the staff as a whole to forge important collaborations with national and international businesses which have recognized in our company a valid structure for the use, in some cases exclusive, of its own material and intangible resources within of the ceramic context.

Ten years after its foundation, today Studio Immagine would like to thank those who made possible the first of a series of events aimed at promoting the company’s proactiveness: Massimo Nadalini and his Studio respectively for their collaboration in the research and planning of the event. An even more heartfelt thanks goes to its customers who, with their trust and presence at the installation, have given the company the opportunity to take important steps towards growth in terms of new product development and today be precursors of unique techniques in the ceramic district.

Given the concrete interest and important inflow of visitors, in order to accommodate the different development needs to which the ceramic sector is undergoing this current year, the event will be extended until November 2020.